Integrated Visual Communication
VERY creates integrated visual communication for clients who share a passion for creativity and quality. This site presents a range of work reflecting our core capabilities, as well as a sampling of recent work and some favorites from the past. If you like what you see, I’d love to hear from you.

Integrated Ideas
Ideas multiply the effectiveness of any communication. Is the idea relevant? Is it proprietary? Is it provocative? Can it be used to integrate multiple points of contact across multiple media? Can it be interpreted from multiple points of view? Does it have “legs” (the ability to be refreshed in different ways over time)? If the answers are “yes,” it’s a good idea.

Integrated Design
Place your communication materials on a table. Does everything “look & feel” like it came from the same organization? What words would you use to describe the materials on the table? Do you think others would use the same words? What do these words say about your brand? The point is, integrated design is more than just looking consistent — it’s about crafting a look & feel that supports your overall communication objectives.

Identity Solutions
We have created new and refined identities for a wide range of organizations, products, and services. In response to the unique needs of start-ups and new product introductions, we have become efficient at developing brand identity at the same time as initial website development and other initial communication needs. It can be a messy process, but it creates opportunities for integration that would never have happened if the projects were siloed or created with a traditional linear approach.

Web Solutions
What’s the primary purpose of your website? (It’s amazing how many sites are built without agreement on this.) How does it communicate your desired brand positioning? How does it integrate with your other marketing efforts? Of course it should be responsive, and dynamic, and easy to update. But does it need to leverage the same look & feel guidelines used for your other marketing communication? Why not?

All good advertising gets your attention and delivers a message. But how does the advertising idea contribute to your desired brand positioning? Is the idea leveraged across multiple media and your website? Does it leverage the same look and feel guidelines used for your other marketing communication? Our experience in advertising makes it one of our core capabilities and one of the things that differentiates us from most design and brand development firms.

Past Work
VERY was founded in 2003. Prior to that, I was fortunate to work alongside some very talented individuals for some wonderful clients. Together we solved a lot of marketing problems and, along the way, created a lot of work we’re proud of. This portfolio is a small sampling of that work.